At Urban Prints we specialising in fulfilling orders of custom printed t-shirts and other garments of up to 100 items. We offer discounts for orders over 5 items per more, and our pricing structure is designed to offer great value while still enabling us to produce items of the very best quality, within short deadlines.
We’re usually able to finish and dispatch orders within 1-3 business days.
The main type of print we use is single colour vinyl which is heat pressed on to the fabric to give a long lasting and durable finish that still looks great after years of wearing and washing.

Our vinyl print is best suited for text-only and simple graphic prints, such as shown in the image below.
When it comes to design, less is more
Solid block colours and clear bold text help to get your message across as they’re highly visible even from a distance. It’s best to avoid fine detail or adding too much wording, as people don’t tend to stand around reading such information when it’s on a item of clothing worn by a living moving person!
How to order t-shirt printing in bulk
Ordering from us is super-simple. Start by using the quote form to let us know the details of your requirements. We will then respond quickly (usually within minutes) with pricing and ordering info.
If you’re in a hurry you can call us on 01905 21073 to speak to a member of our team.